He’s making a list and covering his face, and in addition, this year, he’s taking steps to keep everyone safe… Santa Claus has arrived at Palisades Center!
There will be plenty of fun and magic, as well as a focus on the health and well-being of everyone.
Reservations are strongly encouraged with walk-up visits available as space allows throughout the day.
Photo packages start at $39.99 and some merchandise will be available for purchase.
Guests are encouraged to plan their visit with Santa ahead of time and review the safety measures being taken based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention online at www.WhereIsSanta.com or www.cherryhillprograms.com/CovidGuidelines.
Things to know before you arrive:
You can also enjoy virtual experiences with Santa from the comfort of your home that include photo memories, Storytime with Santa, and more! Click here for more holiday magic.
Meet the non-profit organizations partnering with Palisades Center this holiday season for various fundraisers, including toy donation stations, coin drops, and honoring loved ones!